If your Epson L1455 printer appears problem message “ The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and Epson L1455 printer has red light blinking problem: You should be download and reset your Epson L1455 printer Waste Ink Counter with WIC Reset Utility Tool ( How to reset) How to know Epson L1455 printer’s waste ink counter overflow? Flashing red lights you told me to take your Epson L1455 printer to an Epson service center Epson L1455 printer and every Epson printer has an internal waste ink pad counter to collect the waste ink pad darning the process of cleaning and printer when this ink pad counter reached full the Epson L1455 printer warning alert and refuse to function.Download WIC Reset Utility Tool – Epson L1455 resetter to reset Epson L1455 printer waste ink counter overflow and reset flashing lights problem condition on my Epson L1455 printer with Epson adjustment program. It says the Epson L1455 ink pad counter needs changing. The Epson L1455 printer stops printing and says parts inside your Epson printer are at the end of their service life. How to know waste ink pad counter overflows Epson L1455. Run the WIC Reset Utility tool and click the red ink pad counter button full reached ink pad counter is 100% Epson L1455 waste ink pad counter. If your Epson L1455 printer has an LCD screen.The Epson L1455 printer ink pad counter is many sponge pads inside your Epson L1455 printer which is responsible for absorbing receiving accommodating unused ink darning the printer is working cleaning the printer once these waste ink pads are overflowing the Epson L1455 printer will stop printer immediately. Waste ink pad counter overflows Epson L1455 printer Next Mark the checkbox Main Pad Counterįinish and then close the adjustment program All Windows of the L1455 Resetter Program.

Click the Waste ink pad counter OK button.Resetter Epson L1455 Software Above Link.

Epson L1455 printer A3 WIFI duplex all-in-one ink tank printer download WIC reset Utility tool Epson L1455 resetter ink pad counter overflowing and reset flashing lights problem condition on my Epson L1455 printer with Epson L1455 adjustment program.